Bunkbeds & sofa beds.
And we have found our snoring champion - Pete Branson.

We have arrived safely at our overnight stop at the Mbotyi River Lodge near Lusikisiki after 197kms of riding.
The day began with a ride up to the cliffs above Hole in the Wall.

We then rode along the cliff track and spent some time whale and dolphine watching rather than joing the back of a queue of around 70 bikes being refuelled in Coffee Bay.

We then climb the hills and rode the farm and sheep tracks before getting back on to dusty roads.
Unfortunately two of our team took tumbles today.
Steph took a nasty fall on a steep rock outcrop as dropped down into a river bed.
She's ok and completed the day.
Andy failed to notice the road bearing right and over the edge he went in a ball of flailing arms and legs and of course bike.
We had to arrange for a tow and left him behind.
We had to spend time waiting for the team to regroup due to the accidents and the local children came to see what we were upto.

One old lady was overheard telling her kids that's these crazy white men are to kill themsleves.

We reckon Red Team must have been through ahead of us, hence the Old ladies cynicism, as they are all axe murders and as such.
Today has hard some technical stuff but mainly hard riding on dusty and potholed tracks that pass for motorways in the Transkei.
Tomorrow we ride for our final destination which turns out to be Port Edward and not Durban as we had anticipated.
This is Africa and you have to go with the flow!
Here is our team leader, Kevin Fisher.

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